
To register on-line with a credit card: Click here!

To register by mail or fax: Click here to download the registration form.


Cancellations of conference registrations are acceptable upon written notice. Refunds will be as follows: letter postmarked on or before October 1 - full refund; postmarked October 2 to October 16 - 50% refund; postmarked after October 16 - NO REFUND.

Hotel Reservation Information

To reserve your hotel room, call 1(800)228-9290 please indicate that you are with the Ceramic Tile Distributors Association to receive the discounted room rates.

You can also make your hotel reservation by clicking here and entering the Group Code "CTDCTDA".

Special Rules

It is policy of CTDA that no one shall schedule or conduct any event, function, or meeting which in any way conflicts with or detracts from scheduled CTDA meetings or events. It is also customary that hospitality suites not be scheduled at any time conflicting with CTDA functions. Only manufacturer sponsors may host breakfast on Saturday morning.

Tour Policies

This year's Management Conference Tours are for Spouses/Guests only. Please register in advance. All leisure activities have a minimum participation requirement and are subject to cancellation. If a cancellation occurs, a full refund will be provided for that activity. Individuals canceling within 72 hours of a tour will not be refunded, and on-site registration will be on a space-available basis only.

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